What we grow on our flower farm:
Petals Flower Farm is an organic urban micro flower farm spanning 5 suburban yards in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. We are zone 5B with traditionally cold winters and a moderately long growing season. Our summer can be quite dry and water is quite expensive. We have cool springs and falls. Our soil tends to be clay like and compacts fairly easily. We have pretty low humidity and any amount of direct sun in Colorado is full sun - due to our high altitude at 5,430 feet above sea level. These are the major growing environmental considerations we take into account when selecting which flowers to grow.

How does your flower garden grow:
zone 5B
clay soil
moderate length growing season
high altitude
low humidity
freezing winters
cool spring and falls
intense sun
dry summers
Perennial Flowers we grow every year on our flower farm:
Petals Flower Farm grows flowers for local delivery and special events such as weddings, baby showers, and University of Colorado celebrations. As a result, the flowers we grow need to be beautiful, organic, and suited for cut flower used in floral designs. Our perennial flowers are the back bone of our farm because they come back every year, as if by magic!

Smoke bush
Dusty Miller
Allium, Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinth
Roses - a variety of David Austen
Hygrangea - the white Annabelle is the only kind suited to our area
Peonies - perfumed white and Ikota upright pink
Annual Flowers we grow every year on our flower farm:
At Petals Flower Farm we essentially have to start over with indoor seeed starting on many of our flowers since our winter freezes kill many plants that might be perennials in a more temperate climate. This year, among others, we are growing the following seeds:

Lets not forget the Dahlias!

We are obsessed with dahlias at Petals Flower Farm and grow at least 500 dahlia plants every year. In recent years we have expanded to over 100 different varieties. Because these spectacular plants can't overwinter in Colorado we dig them up every season and store them in crates an unheated greenhouse. Because they are late bloomers and our growing season is not the longest, we start them up again indoors in February and plant them out again in late May.
If you want to know more about growing dahlias we have a lot of resources available on growing, storing, and propagating dahlias.